Saturday 16 October 2021

#OctoberDechART Day 14: Claws

Day 14
Ink on paper

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On this day, I wasn’t particularly in a good place, creative-wise. 

I initially had an idea to do something related to Jurassic Park. This is one of my all-time favourite films and I basically grew up around this franchise, so I thought it was about time I did some fanart about it -- like the claw scene in the kitchen -- but I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off. I also wasn’t sure if I was being wildly inconsistent with my sources of inspiration. If you have looked through my last few pieces of art, I have been jumping around various fandoms. 

So I abandoned it altogether to think up on other possible things I could make from this prompt, including the scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where Buckbeak flies over the Lake and also the Chiralium deposits in Death Stranding -- things which are within the vicinity of my last few inspirations. 

At one point, I gave up thinking any further because I couldn’t decide so I considered making an original piece, but as I started it, I wasn’t particularly happy with the sketch that turned up. It was essentially a person seen from behind reaching into the sky with clawed hands, and an aura shaped like dragon claws glowed around them. As cool as the idea seemed in my head at first, the piece felt uninspired. 

By that time, the night was getting late and I hadn’t had anything done, and while I knew I didn’t need to force myself to make anything, I still felt like I needed to create something; there was still energy that needed expressing. Beleaguered and somewhat exhausted, I decided to make things simple; screw everything that I have thought about, let’s go back to Jurassic Park. 

And I’m glad that I did. I didn’t draw the kitchen scene, because I still felt like I couldn’t pull it off, so instead I went ahead in the film to another iconic scene after that; where Grant, Elie and the kids were trying to get the door locks to work and I had loads of fun figuring out this picture despite the exhaustion. Perspective takes time to work with. ;)

I initially considered colouring, but seeing as it was already late and I needed my sleep soon, I decided -- after having the pencil sketch done -- to try for ink instead. Makes for a more dramatic picture, after all, don’t you think?

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